Your soul flew above the oceans, mountains, or even cilvilized hills....
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just to begin jerney into the bottom of my heart.
Out of billions peoples on earth.... you found my soul,
¨Ò¡¼Ù餹¹Ñº¾Ñ¹ÅéÒ¹º¹âÅ¡¹Õé... ¤Ø³¾ºÇÔ­­Ò³¼Á GREY WORLD
·Õè¹Õè... ã¹âÅ¡áËè§ÊÕà·Ò

The humans of this world called me "Sunit Shrestha"
àËÅèÒÁ¹ØÉÂìã¹âÅ¡¹ÕéàÃÕ¡¼ÁÇèÒ.... "ÊعԵÂì àªÃÉ°Ò
But when the wind of time blew any one to be my friends,
they often call me "Nit"
à¢ÒÁÑ¡¨ÐàÃÕ¡ "¹Ô´"

The day that I fall from my love heaven.. to earth is "28 October 1981"
Çѹ·Õè¼Áµéͧµ¡Å§ÁÒ¨Ò¡ÊÇÃäìÍѹà»ç¹·ÕèÃÑ¡..ŧÁÒÊÙèâÅ¡Á¹ØÉÂì¤×Í "28 µØÅÒ¤Á 2524"
I'm lost in the Castle of Wisdom called "St. Gabriel's College"
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On the wisdom's battle room called "Grade 10th"
ã¹Ëéͧ¡ÒõèÍÊÙéáË觻ѭ­Ò·ÕèàÃÕ¡ÇèÒ "Á. 5"

My soul and yours... could contact each other by leaving your words at "152-481403"
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or write me with your blood as the ink.... and burn it to " "
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In this hopeless world.... still there're something that made me forget the reality.
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which are .... music listening-playing-composing, computer stuff/net surf, books/poets reading-writting.
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Although, the world is full of useless subjects but what I like is Philosophy, Religions, Psychology, Poetry, Quantum Macro-Micro sciences, Social & Economic analysing, Music. But all of these couldnot be understand by part it and study, but to study with the holistic point of view.
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Some people may say I'm crazy, but I can tell you that I am what I am.
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And the music-band that really exist all the time in my heart is "X-japan"
áÅÐǧ´¹µÃÕ·Õè´ÓçÍÂÙè㹴ǧ㨢¢Í§¼Á¨ÃÔ§æ¡ç¤×Í "X-Japan"
My heroes are..... Geoge Soros, Yoshiki, Rachmaninoff, Fritjof Capra, Stephen Hawkins, Eric Fromm, Sigmund Freud
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I always be in grey.....motions, but the only friend that never lie to me and always stay with me in my moment of saddness is "Tam" It's a street dog I picked it up last 2 years ago. I love it more than some other peoples.
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The musical instruments that can cry out my emotions
are Piano, Keyboard, Guitar, Drum, Recorder
ÍÍ¡ÁÒä´é¤×Í à»ÕÂâ¹ ¤ÕÂìºÍÃë´ ¡ÕµÒÃì ¡Åͧ ¢ÅØèÂàÃ礤ÍÃì´à´ÍÃì

As a human I was on the positions of 
(SG = Saint Gabriel's College, F = Founder) 
  • President of M.2 SG Computer Club (1995)
  • Vice President of M.3 SG Computer Club (1996)
  • President of SG M. 4 Art Program Students (1997)
  • Secretary of M. 4 Class (1997)
  • Member of SG Student Council (1997)
  • President of SG Computer Club [Whole school] (1997)
  • Cheif of SG Student's Homepages' Staffs. (1997) (F)
  • SG Students Bulletins 's Associate of Editor (1997) (F)
  • Script writter & Leading Male Actor of School's English Drama (Tony ; West Side Story) (1997)
  • Vice President of SG M 5 Class (98)
  • Public Relation Cheif of SG Students Club (98) 
  • President of SG M. 5 Art Program Students (1998)
  • Associate Director of School's English Drama (Interview  with the Vampire) ; Co-Operate with Satriwitaya (98)
  • Pianist and Keyboard of V-Shocx (Rock Band) (98)
  • Vice President of Thai's AISE Exchange Students year 98
(«.¤. = âçàÃÕ¹ૹµì¤ÒàºÃÕÂÅ , Ã=¼ÙéÃÔàÃÔèÁ) 
  • »Ãиҹ ªÁÃÁ¤ÍÁ¾ÔÇàµÍÃì «.¤. Á. 2 (1995)
  • Ãͧ»Ãиҹ ªÁÃÁ¤ÍÁ¾ÔÇàµÍÃì «.¤. Á. 3 (1996)
  • »Ãиҹ ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹Ἱ¡ÈÔÅ»ì Á. 4 «.¤. (1997)
  • àŢҹءÒêÑé¹Á. 4 «.¤. (1997)
  • ÊÁÒªÔ¡ÊÀҹѡàÃÕ¹ «.¤. (1997)
  • »Ãиҹ ªÁÃÁ¤ÍÁ¾ÔÇàµÍÃì «.¤. [·Ñé§âçàÃÕ¹] (1995)
  • ËÑÇ˹éÒ¡ÃÃÁ¡ÒèѴ·ÓâÎÁྨ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹ «.¤ (Ã) (1997)
  • ¼ÙéªèǺÃóҸԡÒÃ˹ѧÊ×Íá´¹ÍâÈ¡Êèǹ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹ (Ã) (1997) 
  • ¼Ùéà¢Õ¹º·áÅÐáÊ´§¹Ó½èÒªÒ ÅФÃÀÒÉÒÍÕ§¡ÄɢͧâçàÃÕ¹ (à»ç¹â·¹Õè ¨Ò¡àÃ×èͧ àÇÊ ä«¤ì ʵÍÃÕè) (1997) 
  • »Ãиҹ ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹Ἱ¡ÈÔÅ»ì Á. 5 «.¤. (1998)
  • Ãͧ»Ãиҹ¹Ñ¡àÃÕ¹ ÃдѺªÑé¹ Á. 5
  • »ÃЪÒÊÑÁ¾Ñ¹¸ìÊâÁÊùѡàÃÕ¹ «.¤.
  • ¼ÙéªèǼÙé¡Ó¡ÑºÅФÃÀÒÉÒÍѧ¡ÄÉ àÃ×èͧ ÍÔ¹à·ÍÃìÇÔÇ ÇÔ· à´ÍÐ áÇÁä¾Ãì â´¹¤ÇÒÁÃèÇÁÁ×ͧ͢âçàÃÕ¹ «.¤. áÅÐʵÃÕÇÔ·ÂÒ
  • Á×Íà»ÕÂâ¹áÅФÕÂìºÍÃì´Ç§ V-Shocx 
  • Ãͧ»ÃиҹÃØ蹹ѡàÃÕ¹áÅ¡à»ÅÕè¹ AISE ÃØè¹ 7 »Õ 98
Until now you have been aroud in my soul, if it's bored you just leave...
But if it make your interest focus on my thought, in any reason..
Please click on my soul to explore my world of darkness.
Beyond X Generation
For the better midi sound playing why don't you go and download Wingroove!
à¾×èÍ¡ÒÃàÅè¹àÊÕ§´¹µÃÕ midi ·Õè´Õ¢Öé¹Åͧ仴ÒÇâËÅ´ Wingroove ÅФÃѺ !