h e F a i t h
The Prelude
" Sail through the darkness 15th Century's ocean of unstable history, among
mountain in the land beyond the forest which has a beautiful lake called
Hermanstadt , the place where the lovers got departed named " Wallachia
There's one royal family which had " The order of dragon" that had been
given by the
Christian countries brotherhood to fight with the Muslim , that order do
nothing but
crucify lovers's hearts."
; ( Come out from the castle and screaming out loud
to all soldiers
and people ) My people ! The population of
god ! the
creature of god, the be loved people of god, we
are going
to fight in the holy war, with god's order of
dragon knight
which is my family name will lead you to the
war with
Muslims , the Turks who're coming to take the
land of
god from us! But that's not going to happen ,
god is in our side! Because of him is why we
are here
so that when the time to fight for him come, here
we are!!
Stop being feared about dying because there's
heaven in
his promise, Now ! my army of god let's go and
cut their
heads off!
People and Knights ;
God save
the king ! God save the queen !
Vlad ; ( Turn face to his wife queen Rofedia )
My dear, I have to go by god `s mission , for nothing but our souls and
faiths , all you
have to do is believe in god which will remain our eternal love and let
it be in the hand
of god. I'll return……
Rofedia ;
Don't leave me alone in silence of loneliness ! Take me with you so we
shall fight
together , together we'll be one that nothing in universe can won us, you
don't want my
memory of you to torture me to death while you're away , do you?
Vlad ;
Rofedia my white rose ! if fate had already been decided nothing against
it can be
done, don't worry nothing can depart us even the death because we're one
, no matter
time pass , in this world so vast , my love will always last…. Farewell
my dear
Promise me my lord ! that we'll not be parted even the death come, with
the reward from
god we'll stay together forever…. Let's pray for it with our most faithfulness
Vlad ;
Yes I do promise my white rose, god save you my dear ! God save us and our country.
Scene I finished
II ; The death of white rose
Four months later , time pass, in this world
so vast, trust and faith never last
Knight ;
Your majesty queen Rofedia !
Rofedia ;
Yes,! What happen ? did you have any
news from the battle field about my king
Knight ;
I'm sorry but one of our spy reports said
the king is dead ! and we're going to
lose, we need your order to promote
Lord Kirt to be the supreme military
commander now to save our kingdom !
Rofedia ;
Is that true? My lord is dead ……. So what's the reason for me to live along
any more ?,
when my lord is not with me spring, autumn, summer or winter fade away
in my
emotions it leave nothing but darkness from the evil loneliness's shadow…..
Knight ;
Your majestry , we need your promote order immediately to save out country
the Turks!!!!
Rofedia ;
If that's what country need , and this is my motherland so I would never
let any enermy
come in and take it away from me without our fight until our last drop
of blood , I do
promote Lord Kirt of Transymia to be the supreme commander of all knight
right now !!
A week later queen get very upset on her husband news
Rofedia ; ( Stand on the castle `s corridor , looking towards the sky that
reflect in the
lake at the bottom of the castle)
God ! King of all saint and all words, why you parted us? , everybody `s
talking about
your kindness, but what about your madness? What about all the bad things
happen in this world? Where does it came from? In the bible it's quite
clear that you are
pure good and can not do anything wrong or bad, so all the priests `re
just blame it on
the Lucifer false ,about all the bad and wrong thing in this universe ,
why? If everything
was created by God then Bad must be one of them , God knows
everything nomatter in future or past right? then how can you create the
one that you
already known that he'll disobey you name "Lucifer or Satan" ? And why
creating human while you already known that some of them must be in the
real big
sadness forever in hell ? And why you have to crucify our heart with our
faith in you
and the eternal love?????
Oh god! I'm sorry … I shouldn't say that , please forgive me, I just getting
lost in my own
insane mind! I can't find anything colorful like it used to be anymore,
when I look at the
red rose , all I can see is a reflection of my blood that spread all over
in my heart, the
river for me now is nothing but tears, almost of my emotions left me alone
but one still
remain " The Painfulness", I can hear the princess of the lake under me
, she's calling
me to have a nice rest under the cold and silent kingdom of the death with
my lord "
( Then she throw herself our of the corridor and falling into the lake)
Soldier (One soldier come in and shout loud )
" The queen is dead ! "
Scene II Finished
III ; Faithless exclamation
Three months later the king is back from the war
Vlad ; ( Walking to the castle gate with his army )
Rofedia , My people ! We are back ! we bring back the victory ! Rofedia !
Where are you ? Hey everyone why you look so sad ?
Soldier ;
My lord, I don't want to tell you but the queen's dead, she threw herself
out into the
lake from the corridor , because she heard the fake news that you`re already
in the war.
Vlad ; ( Look very very upset )
What ?
Soldier ;
Queen Rofedia `s dead my lord !!!
In the pray room in castle
Vlad ; God ! Why you're doing this to me ? I fight for you , live for you
and almost die for
you ! I bring you the victory but you bring me the death of my wife ? Why
? God ?
Priest ;
Cool down ! my lord, it's one in the mission of god which is perfect and
has his right
reason to happen , it's in his plan, the plan to bring the heaven back
! no one can
stop it because it's the fate.
Vlad ; ( Shout)
Stop ! That's enough for the god things ! You don't know how much I love
my wife , do
you? All you're doing is just ask me and all people of Wallachia to die
for god that never
help me !
God with no kindness , tell me if god love human why he have to make the
sadness out
from nothingness, why he have to make people being in painfulness all the
time ? Why
can't it be only happiness?
Priest ;
My lord, if there're no sadness how can people know the value of happiness
? If
there's no bad than good has no meaning, but you don't have to worry because
promise us the heaven of happiness.
Vlad ;
If that's the reason , I'll give you the painfulness and then you go and
ask the
happiness from the god in heaven yourself !!!
( Take out the sword and kill the priest )
Priest II ;
Beware ! What you're doing is wrong ! and against the God !!!!
Vlad ; ( Point the sword to that priest )
You ! can you give me the religious explanation that if god is good which
can not make
bad thing , how can what we called it " Wrong" which is bad thing exist
in god's
creation ?
Priest ;
My lord , actually there's no right or wrong , it's only to believe in
god and go to
heaven or to don't believe and go to hell !
Vlad ;
If god love me why he have to make another way leads to hell ? to the sadness
Satan ?
Priest ;
My lord, because god is not a dictator, he always let's people decide on
their own,
can you see ? If a son love his dad because he was made to be , then there's
value at all.
Vlad ;
Then, my dear priest , we're nothing but the toys of the one ,who really
hungry for love
that he couldn't have it without human ! What do you mean he's not a dictator
? Look !
he created everything up and just said that if you believe then here come
the heaven
and if not , there's hell waiting for you.
Anyway if god is pure good no bad thing can be done how can he created
the way that
leads us to hell ?
Priest ;
No he didn't , my lord, but it's the Lucifer who don't believe him and
make the way to
hell , The Sin!!
Vlad ;
If god can't do anything wrong and not perfect, then what about Lucifer
? he's one of
the most powerful angle that god ever created !! how can he disobey the
god if the way
of to being disobeyed is not exist ?
Priest ;
That we don't have to understand , we just believe in him is good enough
, we're not
that smart to understand all the thing that god did !
Vlad ;
Don't have to understand ? every priest said that ! We're not smart enough
? what `s the
thing that human did without our own performance ? Do you ever see god
come and
really help all the people ? Does he give the food to the poor when they've
nothing to
eat? To come and fight when we're going to lost the war ? Never !!!!! It's
me ! I'm the
one who do all that , we're just dreaming about god ! wake up now or never
! he `s
never ever exist !!!!
Priest ;
Beware your words ! All the Christian countries can make you in trouble
! You're
getting the invitation card from the Satan now, refuse it before your soul
turns to his
side !! Remember about your family dragon of god order!!!!!!!
Vlad ;
Stop that non-sense !! In here I'm the god ! Yes , with my Messiah which
my dragon
now became in his side " Lucifer !!" Ha ha ha ha
( Then cut the priest`s head off with the sword )
( Shout out loud )
Listen to me my people , I shall declare war with all the country, nation
, or a person
that disobey my wish , because there's no god but me !!!!!!
Now Vlad Dracula impale thousand of peoples and drink their blood , He
country with painfulness , sadness and
loneliness , he become one of the most cruelest
ruler in his time…… being cruel by nothing else
but love.
In the bed room
Vlad ( Sit in a room speak soft and quietly )
"Rofedia" my white rose ! which turns to red from
my blood of sadness. How you expect the
sensitive heart of mine to act on what I'm facing ?
What can I do when sadness , loneliness, and
hopeless melt together in my own mind … When I
think of the picture in my imagination which
you're falling into the cold and dark lake with
your sadness about the untrue dead of me, and
you never have a change to know the truth that
I'm alive ….. all those pictures and emotions in my
imagination remain in the deepest of my heart , it
stab my soul with it's sharp sword which covered
with the poison of my trust in god ! Suddenly my
holiest faith of god disappear , nothing remain
but the black blood of my heart that fulfill with the
question of " Why?"